Reclamation Services

Eco-Web’s Professional Agrologists have experience with overseeing reclamation process from initial assessments to receipt of a Certificate of Restoration. Our project management ensures that each stage in the reclamation process is done properly and is documented correctly.  In addition to overseeing site restoration, Eco-Web can provide pre-construction inspections to Schedule A criteria to ensure that the initial stages of development are completed correctly. Activities include well abandonment, contamination investigation, remediation and supervision of surface restoration including supervising heavy equipment.

Pre-Construction Site Inspections

  • Schedule A Soil and Vegetation Assessments
  • Pre-Construction Site Assessments to OGC EPMG Requirements
  • Soil Surveys
  • Vegetation Assessments (Endangered and Invasive Species Investigation)
  • Schedule B - Final Reclamation Inspections
  • Complete Reporting to Industry and Regulatory Standards
  • Reclamation Projects
  • Seeding Projects
  • Native Revegetation and Restoration
  • Development of Interim and Final Reclamation Plans

Contaminated Sites Investigations

  • Contaminated Sites Investigations
    • Phase I
    • Phase II
  • Remediation
  • Certificate of Restoration



ON a continual basis, Eco-Web has been asked to reclaim areas within the Groundbirch area.  In the third year alone, the Project Team successfully completed the revegetation of approximately 33 ha of developed area using 450 kg of native seed mix, 480 kg fertilizer, and 74,100 native plant plugs.  The seed mixes have been developed by Shell and Eco-Web over the last few years to provide native growth of species that allow natural encroachment of plants onto the right of ways, while maintaining a healthy diversity of native species and controlling erosion and site stability. .  Plant plugs were prescribed to different micro-sites within the project areas, i.e. sites that were lowland, wetter areas received plants specific to that type of micro-climate while upland, dryer areas received plants which fared well in those conditions.

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